
3. November 2020

Artists with wings

Unter diesem Titel möchte eine Reihe internationaler KünstlerInnen vorstellen, die mich inspirieren, ja geradezu beflügeln.

Heute: Mirjam Polman

Mit Mirjam habe ich das Gespräch auf englisch geführt. Wir sprachen über ihr Leben auf der kanarischen Insel La Gomera, über ihre Geduld beim Erschaffen geschriebener Kunst, die Probleme des Arbeitens in Zeiten einer Pandemie und über Weihnachtsgeschenke.

Miriam Polman is artist. She is living on the island of La Gomera, Canary Islands. She has an art gallery and shop on the plaza de la Constitucion in San Sebastian.
La Gomera is almost a quiet island of the canary islands. When Mirjam came there 2013 first time for having holidays with her husband they were falling in love with the island. Quietness, friendly people, breathtaking nature, all this made them to decide to live here.

„The island is quiet and makes you quiet and small. It opens my heart and my creativity comes out in the full strength, like a storm Thats why I love the island so much.“

Mirjam, living between mountains with rugged rocks and a multi-faced sea, is creating special and unique art.

Beside other techniques, Mirjam is writing words to create images, which is called calligram. She repeats, for example, the word abeja (spanish for bee) hundreds of times and the result is a picture of a bee. In the same technique she is creating animals with the name of an animal, zodiacs, two little feet with the name of a newborn and portraits.
Some days ago she send me a video where I first saw some letters and then with the zoom I realized it was Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow.

„I wrote the name Jack Sparrow. 3246 times. Mostly very small, smaller than a needle. Working like that, I can create shadows and I can create the lighter parts of an image. When I start, I start with the eyes, these are the most important part of a portrait. If the eyes are not good it will not look like the portrayed person. I start to write and make the eyes like I think it has to be. Than I put the paper away and I take a cup of coffee or I do something else. 

After a while I am looking at his eyes again. If they are good its okay. Than I can go on with the process. And for me personal if the eyes are good the rest is peanuts. Even if I have to write it ten thousand times its okay. Hair, hat, all the other details are no problem for me at all. The eyes are the most important thing in the proces.“

Mirjam wrote about 400 times the name Jack Sparrow to create his eyes.

Making a portrait is the cherry on the cake, she said.

But to be able to do this creative special work, it was a long way of learning, as she told me in a letter:

 „After I had broken free from the strict religious family I grew up in, I had a constant 'need' to make and create things. with a grandmother who taught me to knit and a aunty in the big city who made with yarn, needles and textile the most awesome things i had ever seen, the little seed been planted. my aunty teached me, without words, that i could create with my own hands. even if you are left-handed! I tried to satisfy my urge to create. after knitting and crocheting, I discovered weaving, embroidery, and wanted to know everything about bobbin lace and tatting. my hunger was never over and I discovered sculpting, clay and paint. And THERE it was... That was what I was looking for. In the years that followed, I created my own way of working and my own style.“

For her work, she needs a lot of patience and concentration. If she is not 100 % in the meditation of her repeating the same word, things go wrong, as she told me. Like it happened, when she made her first giraffe, 2 meters high, by writing thousands of times the word 'giraffe'. Writing the words, she has something like a mantra in her head, repeading 'giraffe one – giraffe two – giraffe three'. But then she listened to her spanish lesson and her spanish teacher was always saying 'gracias, gracias'. And what happened?

„The teacher always said 'gracias, gracias', while I wrote 'giraffe, giraffe'. I started to write gracias gracias. Because it was my own giraffe, a workout for myself, it was no problem. It was a good lesson for me: don't have the radio on if you are working.“

The 'mantra' in her head seems to be very important to realize a picture. It gives her the patience to repeat a word lots of times. Sometimes, Mirjam gets an order that suddenly make things more complicated and she needs to find a solution for, in the following case, another giraffe:

„Two month ago I made another giraffe. I had an order to write six names: fourchildren and the parents names. What I did was to write first the six names with a big marker on a paper. Than, with a thiner pencil, I repeated the names several times to find a kind of rhythm. So I found again a nice sound for this names in my head and I wrote it thousands of times without problems. But its not possible with radio or speaking words in the neighbourhood.“

Working is not always that easy. The year 2020 told us how fragil everything can be and that we all can suddenly be pushed out of our comfortable situation. The Canary Islands are part of Spain. So Mirjam is living in a country, where they had worldwide one of the most severe restrictions at the beginning of Corona Crisis. So how did it change her daily work?

„In the beginning it looked like very temporal, only for maybe a month. This was because nobody knew what happens. So you were in the flow or... when [selling on] the market will start again... or when the shop will be open again.... I thought: I have a few weeks time to make stock....

Than, during the time, during the weeks when everybody sees that it will take longer than a few I get problems with my inspiration. You cannot go out. It looks like everything stops. It feels like a big cloud around you and you don't know where to go and where to stop. It feels very complicated here on the little island far away from the big world where everything happens. In the big world it must have been worse than here. But - I felt very lonely sometimes and I couldn't sleep so well. So when I was awake at night I started working. During the night when everything feels normal, without radio and no sun without people walking by I could work very concentrated and made a lot of work what is now in my shop and still waiting for clients.

But when at 8 o'clock the sun came up the cloud with all this negative things came back again. During the night I could work...“

In the middle of the summer, during the Corona Crisis, Mirjam was brave to open a shop.

„Well in July I opened the shop and it was in the heat of corona. We thought and said to each other opening a shop now, the worst time, it can only get better, right? 

During summer there were some tourists, from Germany and Belgium. But not so much. But thats normal here in canary island, in La Gomera, in summer it is quiet. We were waiting for october when its starting again. But with all the news and all the corona problems – well, the tourists will not come now, or are not here now. So some days there are people only passing by, that are the same people from in the morning because they live here in the street. But no tourists at all. So thats a hard time!“

Mirjam hopes to contact some galleries in Tenerife to open doors for a bigger market. Tenerife is the neighbour-island of La Gomera with more inhabitants. And if they are allowed to come, there are also much more tourists.

If Mirjam would have a free wish for her work, she wishes that an influential gallerist would pass to her shop and become enthusiastic about her work. While waiting for this visit, she sells on internet. I asked her what is possible to order.

„Ordering a personalized calligram takes some more time. But I love to hear your idea about it. 3 weeks ago a person ordered the buddistic sign ohm. I made it by writing hundreds of times the name of his girlfriend.

So for christmas, if somebody is very meditative this would be a possibility.

Or if your parents are 50 years together I can make two hearts by writing their names and date of marriage.

If somebody likes to order something but don't know what exactly, I first ask if he has a hobby. We can find out something around. Not long ago I did two boxing gloves with the name of an older person who boxed when he was young.

Although your idea is not completely clear yet, almost everything can be made as Calligram.“

And finally: Mirjams wish for 2021?

Health. That's the basic for everybody. It makes the world a little bit normal again. So people are not that much irritated and stressed.

How great it would be if at new year's eve the clock strikes, we close our eyes, and next moment we open them the whole Corona crisis is disappeared“

Good luck Mirjam, and take care!

contact, share and follow Mirjam:


Ein Blog mit Flügeln.

von Petra Abel 15. Februar 2021
Im folgenden teile ich einen Artikel, der auf der Seite von family & friends e.V. veröffentlicht wurde. Danke Frau Scholz für Ihe Netzwerkarbeit und weiterhin viel Erfolg!!!
von Petra Abel 22. November 2020
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von Petra Abel 26. September 2020
In wenigen Minuten werde ich auf diesen Button drücken, auf dem "veröffentlichen" steht. Es hat etwas gedauert, und perfekt ist noch weit entfernt, aber immerhin ist es soweit. Eigentlich wollte ich schon im März diese web page veröffentlichen und mit dem Blog beginnen. Ich hatte mit meiner Freundin Antje schon Pläne für verschiedene Blogbeiträge. Wir dachten, wir könnten uns den Lockdown versüßen im Austausch miteinander und mit der Welt. Leider habe ich es dann doch nicht geschafft, eine kreative Totalblockade hielt mich davon ab. Oder so ähnlich. Ich hatte aber schon einen Teil für den ersten Beitrag geschrieben und ich will es hier nun einfügen, einfach deshalb, weil es mir so vorkommt als wäre das einhundert Jahre her, und inzwischen ist so viel passiert! (oder eben gerade nicht passiert) Geplanter Beitrag vom 19. März 2020 Eigentlich wollte ich ja immer einen Fahrradblog machen. Für alleinreisende Fahrradfrauen. Oder für alle leidenschaftlichen Radreisenden. Jetzt ist aber alles anders. Radreisen, Reisen, einfach weiterfahren, das geht nicht. Kaum vorstellbar. Es kann sich nur noch um Tage handeln bis wir in unseren Wohnungen bleiben müssen. In vielen Ländern ist das ja bereits der Fall. Heute morgen hat mir eine Freundin eine Nachricht geschrieben: "Wie bereitest Du dich denn darauf vor, nicht mehr raus zu dürfen? Vielleicht kann ich von dir lernen. Da bin ich nämlich blockiert". Ich fand die Frage zunächst seltsam. Weil ich schon so dermaßen vorbereitet bin. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass ich lange in Spanien gelebt habe und meine Freundinnen und Freunde dort bereits seit Tagen nicht mehr raus dürfen. Somit habe ich einen gewissen Informationsvorsprung, wie es so sein wird. Nachdem ich ihr alles aufgeschrieben hatte was mir zum sich Vorbereiten einfiel, antwortete sie mir: "Ich bin beeindruckt. Du weißt aber schon dass du noch rausdarfst?" Ja weiß ich, aber im Grunde bin ich bereits Solidaritäts-Immer-Drinnen mit allen die wirklich nicht mehr raus dürfen. Außerdem fühlt es sich draußen schon so crazy an. Der Radius, in dem ich mich bewegen darf hat sich ja schon stark eingeschränkt. Meine Griechenlandreise am 30. März zum Beispiel. Ich wollte nach Kreta wandern gehen. In Griechenland war ich noch nie, bisher kam immer etwas dazwischen. Bereits jetzt versuche ich alle Kontakte mit Menschen zu meiden, heute habe ich noch einmal Freunde im Garten besucht. Sicherheitsabstand zwei Meter, angefasst wurde nichts. Wir fanden es alle komisch, uns nicht zu umarmen. Aber wir konnten uns unterhalten und Gintonic trinken. Wunderbar! (Um die Gastgeberin zu zitieren) Nun geht es kreativ weiter, die Totalblockade des Lockdowns ist vorbei. Ich hoffe (gleichzeitig zweifelnd) auf die Vernunft der Menschen, damit es nicht zu weiteren Einschränkungen kommt. So bereite ich Weihnachtsmärkte vor, einen online-shop und viele schöne Dinge, die Ihr auf meiner webpage in Zukunft ansehen könnt. Und natürlich den nächsten Blogeintrag. Petra Abel
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